
  • I've recently taken to saving "foo-foo" creamer containers when empty. I remove the shrink packaging / label, wash and dry the item then use it to store items in the pantry. Small pasta; wild rice; quinoa; rice and barley are all kept in these up-cycled containers. The container is clear and pours nicely and basically costs nothing! I've even put almonds in them for work. It only pours out a few at a time.
  • When my bottle of lotion, spf face cream, etc. get down to the point I can no longer extract it via the pump, I remove the pump and then place the container on its side in the microwave for 10-second bursts. When it has liquified, I pour it into a glass container (similar to a ramekin) and use it up to the last drop!
  • Since moving to Tucson, we can now recycle trash! I've printed out the info from the City's website so we can know what we are able to recycle. It is amazing and has cut down on our actual amount of trash in a huge way!
What amazing things are you up-cycling?

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