Monday, June 8, 2009

Today's Devotional Scripture

Today's Verse
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord.
~Isaiah 55:8

Thoughts on today's verse...
I think it is a very good thing that God doesn't listen to my advice or council on how the world should be run. All too often I find myself telling Him, "Smite them, Lord!" And, I probably would have destroyed and re-created the world a number of times over. Patience and forbearing are not my strong suites.

Today's scripture verse reminds me that even though His thoughts and ways are not the same as mine, I need to bring my thoughts and my ways more in line with His. Which brings us to prayer...

My prayer...

Lord, help me to have my Father's eyes, so that I may see past the "here and now" and keep a glimpse of eternity on the horizon. May I be more forgiving, more loving, and more compassionate towards those around me, but never compromising your Word. ~Amen.

Yours, because we're His,


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