Friday, August 28, 2009

Today's Devotional Scripture

Today's Verse
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone -- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
~1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV
Thoughts on today's verse...
Have you ever had a 'problem' with someone and you knew you should pray for them but just couldn't? I have. Numerous times.

When I finally submit to the Spirit, become obedient and pray for the person something happens. Oh, maybe not to the problem person, but generally to me. The Lord changes my heart and my attitude towards that person.

I'm not saying this person becomes my best, truest and most trusted confidant, but generally my heart is softened and I'm not quite as critical. I strive harder to consider what that person is going through - be it at work or at home. With all of this in mind, there are times that the best course of action to just to stay away from that person so that tempers and personalities don't flare.

Generally speaking, cats and dogs are natural enemies. They can and often do cohabitate together in the same home environment. But that's not saying that sometimes the cat doesn't take a swipe at the dog (and then act rather smug about it). I sometimes describe those personalities that I have difficulties with as "oil and water". And this means both of our personalities. They don't mix very well and will separate when left to themselves. And that is an OK thing. God has made each of us and our personalities - we are unique! Max Lucado wrote, "What makes us special is the signature of God in our lives."
My prayer...
Father God, Abba, Daddy... I am not perfect. You above all others know this to be true. Sometimes I have personality conflicts with others - be it at work or in the church. Lord, help me to bring these issues before you, to pray about them. Help me to remember that You love that person as much as You love me. I'm not asking that You change them, but change my heart and my attitude. In Jesus' name I pray ~Amen!

Yours, because we're His,



  1. You are one of the kindest ladies I've met, Tamara. It must be a pleasure for those blessed enough to be around you to be able to converse personally with you. Your spirit is contagious....and I thank you with all of my heart for the gentle reminders that you share ...that come from the Word of God. Thank you, Tamara. Thank you....

  2. Tamara, with your heart full of love for God and his word, you will be guided to understand why these conflicts occur and therefore enable you to pray about them and make corrections. We are all human, we all make mistakes, or misunderstand others and others are the same, this is a challenge of life we all must deal with. Thank you for sharing my friend, I honestly feel that heaven is full of people who are forgiving and hell is full of people who don't forgive themselves.......:-) Hugs

  3. I used to have a hard time praying for my ex husband, but once I started we became friends. Life is so much nicer when you are not at odds with anyone, at best, we can all be civil to one another. Loved your verse and post today, I have felt led to pray for all of our leaders...I mean all!


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