Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today's Devotional Scripture

Today's Verse
If we please God, He will make us wise, understanding, and happy.
~Ecclesiastes 2:26 CEV

Thoughts on today's verse...
Who among us doesn't want to be wise, understanding, and happy? I certainly do! But I'm also certain that I don't always please Him. There are times I falter and fall so short of the mark... and there are the other times when 'I know that I know that I know' that I please God.

When I please God, I have this vision in my head of a little girl learning a new task and how her parents beem with pride and pleasure. It's like remembering when my own children learned something new like learning to read, memorize a piece of poetry or sing a solo. How much pride and pleasure I felt. And I want, I desire that God be pleased with me too.

My prayer...
Oh Lord, my God - may I ever seek to please You and may I not be so concerned with pleasing 'man'. May my heart seek You diligently. In Your name I pray ~Amen!

Yours, because we're His,



  1. I don't think I've been spreading much happiness around Heaven lately.
    Thank you for sharing these thoughts and your prayer, it is one I should pray often.

  2. Hmmm...I really like your analogy (thank you), Tamara, of a little girl trying to please and I will keep that vision in my head as I try to do good and please God.

    And if we truly please God, we will in turn please others who are pleasing Him!

    blessings and hugs,


  3. Oh Tamara another thought provoking post, as usual I so enjoy reading your verse, post and prayer....I look forward to them each day.
    Thank you my friend.....:-) Hugs


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