Monday, January 4, 2010

Today's Devotional

“Choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD.”
Joshua 24:15

Choose today whom you will serve. Many people treat Christianity as if it was a “once for all” decision. We decide to receive Christ as our Savior and that's it. We are “born again” and then we go on auto pilot. But the term “born” indicates that it is the beginning of a life long process, not the end! Christianity starts with a single choice but is followed by a life time of choosing to live for Him. The trouble is our life becomes such a routine that we make choices out of habit. Worse, we don’t even see our behavior as a choice any more. We are just responding as if we were programmed. We need to wake up to the fact that we do have choices. If you have been going down the wrong road you can stop today and CHOOSE to go a different direction. Have you been sad? The good news is that you can CHOOSE to be happy. Have you struggled with wrong choices? You can CHOOSE to come to God with your problem and He will help you make the right choices. You have a choice because God gives it to you. All the power of God is available and waiting for you to make a choice. What will you choose today?

Father, thank you that I do have a choice. I can choose to follow you every day. Help me see all the opportunities ahead of me. Help me to see all of the hundreds of actions I make every day as choices. Thank you that with your Holy Spirit, I am not powerless, I don’t have to be the victim of negative habits. I pray that today Father, you will help me, guide me, and give me strength to choose wisely in everything I do. In Jesus name ~Amen



  1. Today's verse is part a scene in a large picture I have hanging in what I call my Quiet Room. It's in the corner where I read!
    I like to read your devotionals in the early morning hours Tamara.

  2. Hello Tamara, I so loved this post, I have been reading all along my friend although some days have not commented. Great new look as well but I especially want to thank you for today's prayer...Happy New Year....:-) Hugs


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