Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stones of Remembrance

Genesis 28:17-19 New American Standard Bible
17 He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” 18 So Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on its top. 19 He called the name of that place Bethel; however, previously the name of the city had been Luz.
In the old testament scriptures, stones were set out as a memorial for something important and as noted above, Jacob poured oil on the top of the stone.  He anointed it. 

Today, I too have anointed my stone of remembrance.  It has been two years since the heart attack and the same amount of time since I've had a cigarette.  All my recent lab work came back within good ranges. My cholesterol levels are within range and it has been one year since I've taken any 'heart' medications. I only take a low dose aspirin daily.  I'm sure I'll be seeing the cardiologist soon, I'm just waiting to see when they set it up. I'll probably need the dreaded stress test - so aptly named.

Now, before this begins to sound like 'happily ever after' I do confess to having bouts of really wanting to smoke a cigarette. But I don't, thank God. I simply think back to the quality time I spent with Jesus in the MedEvac helicopter and the first two weeks of going cold turkey. I don't want to have to do that again, ever!

The exercise has gone by the wayside and it shows. I need to begin a walking regime again. I did have an occasion where I was transported to the hospital from work - a bit of a fainting spell. Alright, two - I had two near episodes where I had to lay down on the floor before I fell down.  The verdict was dehydration and low protein levels. 

I was going great guns on trying to become vegetarian.  Too well, evidently.  So the carnivore in me has reemerged. But tempered. I'm also using a protein powder and making healthy smoothies with frozen berries, vanilla yogurt and a banana thinned out with orange juice!

On Wednesday of this week, my husband will be having a procedure to manually extract a 12 mm kidney stone. As I understand it, they will try to break it into a manageable size and then place a stent in his kidney. Eventually the stent will need to be removed.

We, the aging Baby Boomers are having health concerns! Thank God for medical insurance and the ability for me to take time off work to assist Dennis with his issues.

And so I pray:
Abba, Father ~thank You for Your provisions and for Your grace.  Thank You for allowing us the privelidge of living where we do and for the benefits provided through my employment. Be with us as we begin to experience health concerns and issues. In Jesus' name I pray ~AMEN!
because we're His,


  1. Hi Tamara
    I read your posts now and again and I really enjoy them but I never make a comment. But after reading this post I felt I should congratulate you on the 2 year landmark and also encourage you to keep up the good work as it's worth the effort.

    I've been trying to live a healthier lifestyle myself as my cholesterol levels have been very high and I don't want to take medication.

    I'm sending you the link for a website that has helped me a lot concerning making choices regarding eating more healthly. Here it is:

    In regards to exercise I definately would recommend Zumba! I don't know if you ever heard of it but if you enjoy dancing Zumba is the thing to get into! It's aerobic exercise to latin american music. I'm Brazilian so it appeals to me no end!

    Hope it will be of help to you.
    God bless you mightly!

  2. Oh Myriam,
    Thank you for the words of encouragement! I appreciate it so. I did try Zoomba... it wasn't pretty and no beginners class - just jump in and go. I need to start small, like with stretching exercises first!

    I will check your website when I have time, but we're heading out for my husband's procedure!



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