Monday, September 8, 2014


Hebrews 6:11 New International Version 
We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.
Silence can be golden. It can also be frustrating.

Computers are tools and social media sites can also be tools. Both of this can also be very addicting. It has been over a month since I deactivated Facebook and Pinterest. It was a difficult decision. The only contact I generally had from my adult grandchildren had been via Facebook or an occasional text response to something I had sent one or the other of them.

Approximately a week and a half ago, my computer hard drive crashed. Indeed, crashed and burned! Husband did all he could do to resurrect the beast, but to no avail. He was able to save most of my data files, pictures and music. What was not saved were all the fonts I had diligently downloaded and used for various design elements.

Husband ordered and replaced the "dead" hard drive. The laptop is functioning once again.

And so it goes. I will now be very, very careful in downloading fonts. Music, unless I purchase it, is another no-no. There are just too many bugs and viruses that can attach to files we are downloading. Those sites that "magically" pop-up and say something to the effect of "your XYZ file is out of date, you need to immediately download and update HERE" will diligently be ignored and I will immediately exit the screen and log off. The malware that can attach to our computers can be likened to digital ebola.

I am minimalizing my blog. I will be keeping it simple. No fancy backgrounds, no pictures, unless I have actually taken them and downloaded them from my camera or phone. I am making a mindful decision to not use the "Cloud" for storing personal pictures. I will store them on a flash drive. All the media hype from the actresses who had their pix stolen from Cloud is a reminder that perhaps we should be careful. Careful about what sites we trust and even more mindful about the pictures we allow to be taken of us that have the potential to be hijacked.

I hope you continue to "stay tuned" and don't get too bored with my simple design. I minimized in my home and now I am carrying it over to my digital footprint.

Wishing you everyday grace,



  1. Never bored with you, sweet friend.
    I am sorry about your technical woes; with technology comes advantages and disadvantages.
    I have learned to be wary of so many things out there in cyberworld.
    Sending you hugs and love,

    1. Thanks for stopping in, dear friend! Thanks even more for the hugs and love!

  2. I found you through It's a Beautiful Life. I saw the blog title "silence," which quite resonated with me, so I wanted to pop by.

    Back in July, I went to visit my parents, and they have chosen to be an internet-free family. Thus, I was completely offline the entire 12 days I was with them. I found it liberating to be away from the internet! Though I've gone back to blogging now and then, I haven't been on Facebook, Pinterest, or the other social forums I used to haunt since before I left. I am able to spend more time writing my family history, writing letters, or actually visiting with people face-to-face. So, I am right there with you on trying to simplify my online life.


    1. Thanks for stopping in Patti, glad to have you visit. I just love Brenda's blog, it's "comfortable."

      Our time just absolutely evaporates while on social media and they are moments we will never be able to "get back." I also eliminated some other sites, too. Husband and are taking walks some mornings now. That feels good. Then I get ready for work. Most mornings we don't turn on the TV until later in the day, unless there are pressing reasons to listen to the news. I've been known to declare a moratorium on the news, too!

  3. I've never regretted finishing with FB, I still own a "dumb phone" as my kids call it, don't even know what a "cloud" is or how it works. I'm too scared of virus and bugs to do too much online and I've never download music or movies in my life because I don't know how and, I don't pay for enough internet download monthly to do so anyway! So, in essence you could say I'm a total IT clutz. ( that even a word??) oh and my blog is pretty basic and ordinary too!

    Gosh you're lovable!


    1. Ah, but your pix, Rose... your pix! You have enough IT savvy to download those! And I am grateful you do! Love you, too!


Thank you for stopping in. Your comments are a source of encouragement.