Saturday, September 24, 2011

Find Us Faithful

I follow a blog 'oodles of grace' by Susan. She is a hospice social worker and her heart warming tales blogs move me every single time I read them.  Her XYZ post today was/is no exception.

I'm sure I've posted this before, but Susan's so reminded me of this time in my life, so I'm doing a re-run:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cataracts of the Soul

Last Wednesday I had cataract surgery on my right eye. I was frightened at the thought of someone messing with my eye.  This even though I did all the research and knew this procedure to be highly successful.  I was, however, to the point where my vision was such that I could no longer read for even small periods of time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Global Warming

... or so they say! We've lived in Arizona 21 years now and this is the rainiest season I recall. Not that it is a bad thing, Arid-zona can always use moisture. I'm just not used to it being tropical here.  Our small, raised bed garden is looking like the jungles of Viet Nam and the mosquitoes are horrible!  My Grandson Zachary and I are both allergic to mosquito bites so I'm trying to find something 'natural' to repel them.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Honoring the Memory of 9-11

It is hard to believe that ten years have come and gone since the infamous acts of September 11, 2001.

I had scheduled vacation during that time as I had a high school friend coming to visit for a week. She arrived a few days before the event. Her flight out the Saturday after was much different and much more difficult.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Arizona Highways

Arizona Highways is a monthly publication with wonderful photographs and articles from around the state.  I once carried the magazine in the prison library until it was determined to be an escape aid.  It does have maps that could be utilized for that purpose and was thus administratively eliminated.

We live in rural southeastern Arizona. To travel to Phoenix, an approximate 3 and half hour trek, we must exit the community on Highway 70, which then turns into Highway 60 in the Globe, Miami, and Superior area.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Reinventing Ourselves

I read Rebecca’s blog at Life & Godliness the other day.  They were talking about ‘when I became “Rebecca” instead of “Becky”.’  I couldn’t comment as I’ve been having some difficulty doing that with Blogger of late.  I did think it might be an interesting topic.

For most of my ‘young’ life, I was Tammy.  My family and friends from school still call me that.  It sounds almost foreign now when someone calls me Tammy.  I even correct people when they try to call me Tammy.  You see, I reinvented myself at the age of 23.  No more “Tammy” but my given name of “Tamara” would be my preference.  (I’ve learned that no matter how many times someone reinvents themselves, their name will still be mispronounced!)  My name is Tamara – pronounced like camera, not Ta·MARE·a, not Ta·MAR·a.