Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pass the Salt, Please!!

Sodium is an extremely active element which always links itself to another element.  Chlorine is a poisonous gas.  When combined, chlorine stabilizes sodium and sodium neutralizes the poison of the chlorine.

The result, sodium chloride is common table salt, a highly stable substance used through the centuries to preserve meat, enhance flavor and, prior to modern medicine, help clean and heal wounds. (This is probably where the term "rubbing salt into a wound" came from, don't you think?)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Viva la Memories!

I grew up in an extended family. My mother’s mother (my Nanny) lived with us.  That was a common occurrence back then, but no longer is the norm in our society.   

I also remember older women as friends of the family.  Often they were widows.  One woman in particular that I remember was Viva (pronounced VI – va).  Viva LaRue Schott.  She was a woman of strength and dignity. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Annual Apple Annie's Event!

Harvest Time

On Saturday, we took our grandchildren Abby & Zachary to Apple Annie’s in Willcox, Arizona for autumn fun and frivolity!  We rode hay rides, picked out pumpkins, got lost in the Corn Maze and ate expensive junk food!


Not unlike the popular commercial:



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Free Fall...

Well, it is Autumn!  And it is free! 

There is just something about this time of year.  The chill, the scent, and the promise of winter and then the rebirth of spring. 

Many areas of the country are having their annual county fairs.  Even though I'm not the person who likes the amusement park rides, I do love a good spin on a carousel! 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Music for the Soul

I cast all my cares upon You,
I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet.
And any time I don't know what to do,
I will cast all my cares upon You.